Clean and comfortable rooms
Cleaning services: Getting your mind busy can be an important part of recovery e.g., cooking, cleaning
Exercise opportunities: Drugs can cause physical decline with years of use so; exercise is vital with our clients.
Nourishing meals: Physical decline can be amended, in some cases, with exercise but nutrition plays a big role. Abuse (NIDA) history is that drugs can impact the gastrointestinal system, talented chef could help create the right meals that could help soothe GI Stress.
Supervision: We believe that client who enroll in our facility really want to get better, but their damaged brain cells may continue to call out drugs, even after they enroll in care. Our facility will help by providing supervision care to the graduation day.
Educational opportunities: Our facility will provide helpful diversionary activities. Some might even help in a real way when rehab is completed e.g., Job offers training or resume writing workshops, if applicable parenting skills classes will be offered.
Mediative Space: Medication skills help to use the power of the mind to calm the body urges, giving a safe, comfortable, and relaxing space inside the mind.
Recreation space: Facility will help by providing recreational space including reading room and recreational activities.
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